Samarbeidende tankekartprogramvare

Tankekart, konseptkart, disposisjoner og Gantt-diagrammer

Sanntidsredigering og offline-redigering, AI-drevet tankekart, på tvers av plattformer, synkronisering på tvers av enheter, full historikk over endringer, fulltekstsøk, hundrevis av brukervennlige maler

Android iOS
Tankekart for alt du trenger
mindomo software mindomo software
Mindomo 16 years
Mindomo EU-GDPR compliant
Mindomo Android
ISO 27001
ISO 27701
Hva er tankekart?

Hva er tankekart?

Tankekart er en dynamisk teknikk som kobler sammen en sentral idé med relaterte konsepter i en hierarkisk struktur. Når du lager tankekart ved hjelp av Mind Map Maker, kan du enkelt organisere og koble sammen ideer og tanker på en virtuell tavle, noe som letter kreativiteten og øker forståelsen. Det er et kraftig verktøy for å fange opp og utforske ideer og visualisere sammenhenger og mønstre.

AI-drevet programvare for tankekart

Generer tankekart fra bunnen av ved hjelp av kunstig intelligens, og rediger eksisterende diagrammer ved hjelp av AI. Få nye ideer, bryt gjennom kreative barrierer og få fart på idéutvikling utover grensene fantasien setter.

Innovative selskaper som stoler på tjenestene våre

Moss Media Solutions
Wealth Strategies
Fractal Design

Tankekart for alt du trenger

Tankekart for alt du trenger Tankekart for alt du trenger

Forbedre produktiviteten, utvikle flere ideer og øke effektiviteten til læringen.

Why mind mapping?

Mind mapping offers a structured way to organize any kind of information, from ideas and concepts to tasks and goals. This technique brings clarity to complex concepts, transforms ideas into actionable plans, presents ideas in a visually appealing layout, and benefits from real-time collaboration features.

There are many science-backed reasons why mind mapping is valuable. Read them below:

«Mindomo har redusert prosjekttid og prosjektplanleggingstid til så lite som 1/5 av hva det pleide å være når vi brukte mer tradisjonelle applikasjoner.»

Scott Chisholm, Systemarkitekt
DATS - Digital Action Tracking System

Slipp Løs Din Kreative Kraft

Organize Ideas

Organize Ideas

When you create a mind map, you don't only capture ideas on the blank canvas. You organize your thoughts efficiently using hierarchy, visual elements, and connections. It's more useful and engaging.

Ignite Creativity

Ignite Creativity

Humans are visual beings. Diagramming tools use visual elements that spark your creativity. You can easily generate ideas, inspire you to draw connections between them on the infinite canvas.

Retain & Recall Information

Retain & Recall Information

Mind mapping apps are effective learning aids. This is the reason why many schools and universities are using mind mapping tools for their advanced features and various mind map templates.

Information Synthesis

Information Synthesis

Complex ideas become easier to understand. This is one of the best mind mapping software benefits: a mind map simplifies any piece of information, illustrating it as keywords connected by relationships.

Increase Productivity

Increase Productivity

Create and edit mind maps in seconds: set tasks and deadlines or plan projects from any device. Once you organize your priorities and break them down into actionable tasks, your mind will turn the focus mode on.

Flexibility & Collaboration

Flexibility & Collaboration

Anyone can use mind mapping: managers can use it to manage projects, creators to generate ideas, sellers to develop sales strategies, students to learn, and consultants to visualize and create presentations.

How to make a mind map using Mindomo?

The simplest way to create a mind map is by using free mind map software. Why? Embrace the power of mind mapping software over pen and paper, as it offers more flexibility, many features (attaching resources, images, videos, links, changing the layout, sharing, and more), and the ability to effortlessly organize, edit, and collaborate on your mind maps with ease. Moreover, you can access a full library with templates to get inspired to fill out the infinite canvas.

Let`s see the basic steps on how to mind map:

Start with a Central Idea

Either you choose one of the hundreds of mind mapping templates available, or you're starting with blank canvas, the first step is to write the central idea or concept that you want to explore. This serves as the foundation of your mind map and will be placed at the center of your diagram.

Start with a Central Idea
How to make a mind map using Mindomo?
Branch Out

Branch Out

Branch out and expand upon the main idea by adding more related topics. These branches symbolize the primary categories or themes associated with your subject. Try to use keywords or short phrases. You can drag and drop these topics where you prefer, customize font, colors, and shapes, and add more visual elements such as images, videos, and icons. Let your creative side thrive.

Add Subtopics

Expand the diagram further by adding subtopics (sub-branches) to each main branch. Subtopics represent more specific details, categories, or ideas related to the main topics. This hierarchical structure helps you organize ideas and identify relationships between different concepts. One of the best advantages of mind mapping software is that it allows editing and adding unlimited ideas within the same diagram.

Add Subtopics
Connect Ideas

Connect Ideas

Draw connections between topics and subtopics, adding a relationship. This visual representation of relationships demonstrates the interconnectedness of ideas, allowing you to identify patterns, similarities, or dependencies. Add boundaries or summaries to provide concise overviews and structure to your mind map.

Enrich your Mind Map

Add links, attachments, audio recordings, videos, images, notes, or comments to add value to your mind map. Share your diagram so you can edit it simultaneously with someone else. Collaborative mind mapping is a great way of sharing creativity. More heads are better than one!

Enrich your Mind Map
Create Presentations

Create Presentations

With the structure and visual appeal of a mind map, you can transform your ideas into captivating slides that communicate your message clearly. Use the full-screen presentation mode to transform your mind map into a slideshow presentation with a few clicks.

Reorganize in Seconds

Use the drag and drop functionality to reorganize your mind map in seconds. Mindomo is more than a regular mind map maker. Besides reorganizing, you can also change the diagram structure with a single click: from any mind maps/bubble maps, you can create org charts, timelines, network diagrams, outlines, or even Gantt charts.

Reorganize in Seconds
How to make a mind map using Mindomo?

PC Magazines beste programvare for tankekart

«Programvaren for eksperter,' Mindomo vinner en Editors Choice-pris fordi deres produkt inkluderer kraftige deler av programvare for tankekart kombinert med de sosiale aspektene ved tjenester for sosial kunnskapshåndtering. Det er det eneste produktet av de fem som er gjennomgått i denne runden som berører både det sosiale og tankekart. Dette er det den bredere kategorien med tankekartprogramvare alltid bør ha som mål å gjøre.»

PC Magazines beste programvare for tankekart

Teamarbeid gjør arbeidet til en drøm! Del diagrammene dine med teammedlemmer, kolleger eller samarbeidspartnere. Med Mindomo kan du redigere hvert tankekart online i sanntid, spare dyrebar tid og tilføre verdi sammen.

Hundreds of Templates

You don`t know how to start a mind map? Mindomo Library offers versatile mind map templates, starting from project planning, business analysis, and weekly planners to communication, goal setting, brainstorming, and many more categories.

Organize ideas effortlessly, achieve clarity, and structure information easily.

Templates Gallery ➜

"Tankekart gir en god oversikt over de juridiske kravene vi må ta hensyn til når vi jobber med en sak."

Karlotta Victor, Flyktninglagsklinikk
Hundreds of Templates
Gi ideene dine en lineær flyt

Gi ideene dine en lineær flyt

Create a blueprint of your plans using the outline structure. Similar to a mind map diagram, an outline allows you to understand how information is connected, supporting your thesis statement and the claims. An outline offers a different structured view to consider ideas easily without needing to write complete paragraphs or sentences.

You can start writing an outline and then turn it into a mind map or vice-versa.

Outlining with Mindomo ➜

"Vi bestemte oss for å bruke Mindomo fordi det er veldig enkelt å bruke og tilgjengelig fra en nettleser."

Pascal BURON, DGA RH & Støtter
Tankekart, konseptkart, disposisjoner Tankekart, konseptkart, disposisjoner

Samarbeidende online Gantt-diagrammer

Gantt chart software ➜
Samarbeidende online Gantt-diagrammer Gantt chart software

Besides unlimited mind maps, outlines, timelines, or org charts, you can also create Gantt Charts to break down a complex project. A Gantt Chart shows the activities and progress of a project. The unique characteristic is that it represents all tasks and subtasks in both a table view and a visual representation to see the time allocated for each task. You can also assign tasks, update the stage, and connect tasks.

Combine mind mapping and collaboration features with the power of the Gantt chart view.

"Mindomo er et utmerket og allsidig verktøy. Vi bruker det til alt fra planlegging til idédugnad, fra enkle diagrammer til viktige strategiske dokumenter. Anbefales på det sterkeste!"

Hannes Wallin, CEO
Fractal Design

Your Privacy is Our Priority

At Mindomo, your privacy is our highest priority. As a Trusted Cloud certified service and fully EU-GDPR compliant, we ensure the highest standards of data protection, following the ISO 27001 standard's requirements. All our cloud files are securely hosted in the European Union, with servers located in Germany.

For enhanced security and stability, besides our web app, we offer the Desktop version of our mind mapping software that allows you to have local file storage to add extra security to your private mind maps.

Your Privacy is Our Priority
Løsning på tvers av plattformer

Løsning på tvers av plattformer

Mindomo is a cross-platform solution that allows you to work across multiple divides, for example, mobile apps (iOS and Android), Desktop software, or online using a browser. You can create and edit your diagrams with no interruptions, even if you don't have access to the internet.

You have the option to work offline on Desktop or mobile apps, save changes locally, and then synchronize all the changes when you can connect to the internet.

You are able to access all your diagrams from any device at any time, which means that no idea can slip away. Whether you want to capture a new idea, add information, or simply view a diagram or a presentation. You can do that anywhere you are.

Mobile Mind Mapping Apps

Mobile Mind Mapping Apps

Mindomo has mind map apps available on both iOS and Android. You can create and edit diagrams directly from your phone, having the option to synchronize all the changes to the cloud or work offline and store your diagrams on your device.

Online Mind Mapping Software

Online Mind Mapping Software

Mindomo can be accessed from any browser, being the best mind map software for online collaboration, project planning, and unlimited ideas. Log in to your account and experience all the features of the ultimate online mind mapping tool!

Desktop Mind Mapping Software

Desktop Mind Mapping Software

Enjoy offline access. Export mind maps in multiple formats, engaging presentations with full-screen presentation mode, and many more features. You can create and edit your diagrams without having an internet connection right on your Desktop.

Samarbeidende tankekartprogramvare
Be productive anywhere you are No Internet, No Problem: experience flawless workflow accessing your mind maps offline. Even without an internet connection, you can access your mind maps at any time and from any location. Whether you're on a long flight or in a remote location, Mindomo ensures your creativity and organization never stop.

Be productive anywhere you are

No Internet, No Problem: experience flawless workflow accessing your mind maps offline. Even without an internet connection, you can access your mind maps at any time and from any location. Whether you're on a long flight or in a remote location, Mindomo ensures your creativity and organization never stop.

Stay focused, create, and organize effortlessly. Mindomo's offline access makes it the ideal mind mapping software for those constantly on the move, maximizing productivity wherever you are.

Capture ideas on the go

Did it ever happen to you to have a great idea but then slip away? With Mindomo, you can get rid of that problem. Simply take your mobile phone, open the mind map app, and add any idea that crosses your mind.

From ideas to shopping lists, work presentations, exam recaps, and more, you can always write something in a diagram. It's a great alternative to any note-taking app.

Capture ideas on the go

Why Mindomo?

Compared to other paid and free mind mapping software, Mindomo offers the most powerful combination: a wide variety of features, multiple templates, the ability to use it from different platforms, and a simple and compact design that is easy to use. You can always check detailed comparisons with other popular mind map software, such as Mindomo VS MindMeister, Mindomo VS XMind, and Mindomo VS MindManager.

Mindomo: who should use this mind mapping tool?

Mindomo: who should use this mind mapping tool?

Creativity is a great quality that can be nourished. Mind mapping is a great way to develop it, and at the same time, it's a great organizing method. You can organize thoughts, information, knowledge, lists, goals, schedules, course materials, or even tasks. It's a very versatile technique that can be used for success in personal life, learning, or even at work.

Mindomo is an intuitive software that is perfect for children as well, starting from K-12 to university. Kids can learn animals, concepts, and colors using diagrams, stimulating the brain to memorize what they learn. Besides that, their creativity will also be increased, and they'll make connections between concepts.

Mindomo can be the best friend for students when it comes to note-taking, studying, understanding complex information, revisions, and exam preparation.

When it comes to professional life, Mindomo is a complex tool for project management, task organization, analysis, plans, and team collaboration.

The mind mapping technique is suitable for a wide range of use cases, which means you can benefit from Mindomo if you are a manager, business person, creator, teacher, student, researcher, consultant, entrepreneur, planner, or ANYONE.

Mindomo's Mind Maps: Top Use Cases

Mindomo's Mind Maps: Top Use Cases

Discover the most used cases for mind maps across the worldwide users who chose Mindomo:

Strategize and plan: each business needs a strategy and plans for each project. Mind maps simplify each step and help you keep an overview.

Note taking: each note is made to be reviewed at some point. A structured diagram is way easier to review compared to plain text.

Brainstorming: one of the most popular uses of mind mapping is idea generation. This structure helps your brain find new ideas and new connections when you use visual representation.

Decision Making: when you put your thoughts in a comparison diagram, it's easier to understand and evaluate each option, so you'll make faster decisions.

Essay planner: writing an essay starting from a mind map is one of the easiest ways to structure each idea before getting into details, and it contains a skeleton for the final essay.

"Det er rett og slett ingen bedre måte å få kartlagt så mange tanker, og dele dem med teammedlemmer."

"Organisering av tanker i klare ideer og tilnærminger"

"Alt fra enkle diagrammer til viktige strategiske dokumenter"

"Illustrere kritiske kundenotater"

Prøv Mindomo i dag

New to mind mapping? Start with Mindomo’s free version. For enhanced capabilities beyond limited features, try our paid plans. Unleash your full mind mapping potential.

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