Alternatives to MindMeister

Mind Mapping Software

Alternatives to MindMeister: Detailed Comparison

There are many mind mapping software on the market. At first look, all seem to be similar, but each tool offers different features to its users. Find the best alternative to MindMeister by comparing its features with competitors’ features.

MindMeister VS Mindomo

Mindomo and MindMeister were both released in 2007, which makes them two of the first mind mapping tools. They are also some of the most popular tools in this niche (used for brainstorming, organizing, project management, and personal development).

Which one is better for your needs and why choose it?
Let’s compare all aspects of these two mind map makers!

1. Diagram Editing Functionalities

A professional mind mapping tool has many functionalities that help you express your ideas into a diagram in any form you can imagine.

Moreover, when you create mind maps, it must be easy to find the editing functionality you need.

1.1. Map Styling

  Mindomo MindMeister
Topic shape Over 45 different topic shapes Few options available (the corner shape is customizable, but not the whole topic shape)
Topic style Hundreds of predefined topic styles containing a combination of colors, fonts, topic shapes, etc. (in that gallery you can find styles you created in the current diagram, on other diagrams, or in theme editor).
Topic style can be applied to only one topic or you have 5 other options to automatically apply the topic style on multiple topics (for example, all current topic’s siblings, all current topic’s descendants, etc.)
6 predefined topic styles
No option to automatically apply the styles
Topic gradient 8 options (including gradient levels and shadows) 3 options of gradient and you can choose to apply shadow
Color Color picker for:

Color of topics
Topic border
Diagram background
Option to set the connecting line’s color to determine the topic color
Multicolor palettes
Color picker for:

Color of topics
Topic border
Diagram background
No option to set the connecting line’s color to determine the topic color
No multicolor palettes
Padding Customizable Non-customizable
Topic size Freely resizable topics (resize bothwidthandheightby dragging and dropping the topic) Non-freely resizable topics (can’t resize topics’ width or height by dragging and dropping the them)
Topic border’s weight Customizable Customizable
Text formatting Over 59 different fonts
Customizable size
Styles (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough)
Customizable text alignment (left, center, and right)
6 fonts
3 size formats
Styles (only bold and italic)
Customizable text alignment (left, center, and right)
Connections 9 layout types
Customizable spacing between topics and branches
Auto balance map option
10+ connection types
3 anchor point options
Customizable weight
17 line formats
No layout types
No customizable spacing between topics and branches
No auto balance map option
3 connection types
No anchor point options
No customizable weight
No line formats
Boundary 10 shapes
Customizable line color
Customizable background color
7 line types
Unlimited weight options
Applicable on one topic (and its subtopics)
Applicable on multiple topics (and their subtopics)
5 shapes
Customizable line color
Customizable background color
3 line types
3 weight options
Applicable on one topic (and its subtopics)
Not applicable on multiple topics (and their subtopics)
Themes Theme editor that contains:

42 predefined map themes
Create your custom themes and apply them to other diagrams (with custom font sizes, colors, shapes, and background colors or pictures)
Import and export themes
18 predefined map themes
Create your custom themes and apply them to other diagrams (with custom font sizes, colors, shapes, and background colors or pictures)
No import and export themes
Relationships Fully customizable relationships between topics:

Label (you can add text)
Color picker
3 angles
Customizable relationships weight
7 patterns
13 arrows (separate customization for start and end)
Style (copy style or set it as default for current diagram)
Customizable relationships between topics:

No color picker (8 colors)
No angles
Non-customizable relationship weight
No patterns
No arrows
Non-customizable style (no copy style or option to set style as default for the current diagram)
Summary Yes
Customizable topic, line, text, and padding
Floating topic Yes Yes

Mindomo is the mind mapping software that offers a bigger variety of editing features when you create your diagrams. Compared to MindMeister, you have many more options to style your maps and express yourself.

The difference between these two mind map tools is huge. If you want to develop creativity and style your diagrams, Mindomo is definitely your mind mapping software.

1.2. File & Multimedia Attachments

When you create mind maps, you want them to look simple, minimalist, yet rich in information. You’ll use short words and phrases to synthesize the knowledge.

Thus, the file and multimedia attachments are very important aspects you should take into consideration when you choose a mapping tool.

  Mindomo MindMeister
Images Upload images from PC
Upload images from Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Insert multimedia URL
Search images on the Internet
Your accounts’ images gallery
Mindomo image gallery
Drawing your sketch functionality (on mobile apps)
Images in comments and notes
No automatic image search
Upload images from PC
No upload images from Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Insert multimedia URL
Search images on the Internet
Your accounts’ images gallery
MindMeister image gallery
Draw your sketch
No image in comments and notes
Automatic image search
Icons and Emojis Big variety of icons sorted into categories
Frequently used category
Priority and completion icons
Search bar to filter
Option to remove all icons
Big variety of icons sorted into categories
Frequently used category
Priority and completion icons
No search bar to filter
No option to remove all icons
Videos Upload videos from PC, Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Insert multimedia URL
Search videos on YouTube and Vimeo
Your accounts’ videos gallery
No automatic video search
No videos upload
Insert multimedia URL
Search videos on YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion
No your accounts’ images gallery
Automatic video search
Audio files Upload audio files from PC, Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Record audio
Attach uploaded
No upload audio files from PC, Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
No record audio
No attach uploaded
Documents Upload documents files from PC
Upload documents files fromGoogle Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Upload documents files from PC
No upload documents files fromGoogle Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Links Insert URL
Link a topic
Link a diagram from your account
Insert URL
Link a topic
Link a diagram from your account
Notes panel Revamped notes panels (normal and maximized)
Text style (bold, italic, underline)
Customizable text size
Customizable text color
Numbering & bulleting
Insert images
Mathematical formulas
Direct links
Formats (code block, quote, strikethrough, sub-, and superscript)
Remove formatting option
Small panel (no maximized version)
No text style
No customizable text size
No customizable text color
No numbering & bulleting
No alignment
No insert images
No mathematical formulas
No direct links
No videos
No formats (no code block, no quote, no strikethrough, no sub-, and superscript)
No remove formatting option
Comments panel Revamped comments panels (normal and maximized)
Text style (bold, italic, underline)
Customizable text size
Customizable text color
Numbering & bulleting
Insert images
Mathematical formulas
Direct links
Formats (code block, quote, strikethrough, sub-, and superscript)
Remove formatting option,
File attachments
Mentions (with or without email notifications)
No icons in comments
Small panel (no maximized version)
No text style
No Customizable text size
No Customizable text color
No numbering & bulleting
No alignment,
No insert images
No mathematical formulas
No direct links
No videos
No formats (code block, quote, strikethrough, sub-, and superscript),
No remove formatting option
No file attachments
No mentions
Votes (were available on the old interface)
Icons in comments

With both tools, you can drag and drop files from your computer, but only with Mindomo, you can upload from a cloud storage service provider, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

MindMeister is also limited regarding the types of files you can add to your diagrams: you can not upload videos from your PC, there is no option to have audio files.

You can’t upload or record, which can be a time-saver tool for project management diagrams, education, or even personal ones. Not to mention that comments and notes panels are very limited on MindMeister compared to Mindomo’s.

The collaboration with your team members or classmates will be restricted on MindMeister: besides the fact that these panels are small, they can’t be customized, and you can’t add images, links, formulas, or any other text formatting.

However, the MindMeister advantage is using a random automatic image and video web search.

1.3. Features

  Mindomo MindMeister
Presenter mode Slide list
Add slides
Remove slides
Duplicate slide option
Present topics collapsed option
Add/remove topics from slide option
Play presentation
Export as PowerPoint or Images formats
No slide list
No add slides
No remove slides
No undo/redo
No copy slide option
No present topics collapsed option
No add/remove topics from slide option
No play presentation
No export as PowerPoint or Images formats (Some presenter features were available on the old interface)
Visualization options (switch view) Mind map
Gantt chart
Concept map
Organigram (Up to Down or Down to Up)
Logic chart (Left or Right)
Tree chart (Left or Right)
Timeline (Vertical)
Fishbone (Left or Right)
Mind map
No Gantt chart
No Concept map
No Organigram (Up to Down or Down to Up)
No Logic chart (Left or Right)
Tree chart (Left or Right)
No Timeline (Vertical)
No Fishbone (Left or Right)
Templates Hundreds of templates (from general to very specific ones)
Guided templates
Quick diagrams (skeleton and specific theme for general use)
Over 9 use cases categories
Dedicated templates for each account type (education, business, and personal)
24 templates (specific)
No guidelines on specific templates
No quick diagrams
4 use cases categories - same for all account types
No dedicated templates for each account type
Public Gallery Yes Yes
Undo/Redo Yes Yes
History of changes Full history of changes including date and time
Playback diagram history
Adjust the speed of the playback
Make a copy to specific diagram version
Full history of changes including date and time
Playback diagram history
Adjust the speed of the playback
Revert diagram
Dashboard Yes Yes
Duplicate diagram Yes Yes
Drill down Yes No
Full screen mode Yes No
View mode Yes Yes (focus mode)
Night mode Yes
Option to set Auto (when you use a dark color theme on a diagram, the Night Mode is automatically activated, and when you use a light color theme, it is automatically deactivated)
Import 14 import formats:

Mindomo file
Mindmeister file
MindManager file
Freemind file
XMind file file
SimpleMind file
iThoughts file
Markdown file
Microsoft Project file
Text file
OPML file
Excel file
Plain text
Upload from PC
Upload fromGoogle Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
5 import formats:

Mindmeister file
MindManager file
Freemind file
XMind file
Plain text)
Mindomo file file
SimpleMind file
iThoughts file
Markdown file
Microsoft Project file
Text file
OPML file
Excel file
Upload from PC only
No upload fromGoogle Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive
Export 20 export formats:

Text file
OPML file
Microsoft Project file (.mpx)
Microsoft Project file (.xml)
Slides as images (.zip)
Slides as PDF (.pdf)
Image file (.png)
Markdown file
Mindomo file (.mom)
Mindomo pack (.pmom)
Freemind file (.mm)
MindManager file (.mmap)
Excel file (horizontal outline)
Excel file (horizontal tree)
Excel file (Gantt chart data)
Excel file (vertical outline)
10 export formats:

PDF slides
Microsoft Word File
Microsoft PowerPoint file
Image (.png and .jpg)
Mindmeister file
Freemind file
Archive of images (.zip)
No OPML file
No Microsoft Project file (.mpx)
No Microsoft Project file (.xml)
No MindManager file (.mmap)
No Markdown file
No Mindomo file
No Excel files
Print 6 printing formats:

No A1
No A0
No Legal
Print slides option
Option to generate background color
No multi-page printing
9 printing formats:

Print slides option
Option to generate background color
Multi-page printing
Editing with no network connection Yes No
Filtering Full-text search (across all diagrams)
Filter by icon
Filter tasks by date
Filter tasks by assignee
Filter tasks by stage
Filter tasks by updates
Filter tasks by creator
Filter tasks by deadline
Filter tasks by priority
No Full-text search (only inside the diagrams)
No Hashtags
No Filter by icon
No Filter tasks by date
No Filter tasks by assignee
No Filter tasks by stage
No Filter tasks by updates
No Filter tasks by creator
No Filter tasks by deadline
No Filter tasks by priority
Folder organization Yes
Diagram recycle bin
Diagram recycle bin
Shortcuts Over 58 shortcuts
Search bar to filter them
Over 33 shortcuts
No search bar to filter them
Cloud storage Up to 15 GB (or more for the Classroom subscription) Up to 10 GB

Features of an online mind map tool are a highly important aspect when you compare more tools. In this category, Mindomo has far more features compared to MindMeister.

Undoubtedly, MindMeister has a few extra features: 3 extra printing formats, auto-create, and broadcasting a presentation of the online mind map (presentation is not available anymore on the new interface).

However, Mindomo has many extra features such as Gantt view, many more templates (general and very specific ones), drill-down functionality (you can focus on a specific branch). These are great features that increase your productivity and efficiency.

Not to mention the 8 extra import formats and 10 extra export formats, which gives you more freedom. Also, Mindomo has more shortcuts to be easier and faster to use, full-text search to save precious time (you can search in your dashboard a word or phrase and it searches throughout all your diagrams, not only in the title). You also get more space on the cloud (for the upgraded subscriptions – maximum of 15 GB).

The features contrast is noticeable. If you want a professional mind mapping – concept mapping tool Mindomo can offer you a bigger variety of features compared to MindMeister.

2. Collaboration

  Mindomo MindMeister
Share Share with specific people (by email address)
Share with guests (people who don’t have an account)
Team sharing (automatic sharing with specific people)
Sharing by link
Public sharing on the web
Embedded link
Sharing on social media
Option to set rights to collaborators (can view, can copy, can edit the diagram)
Share with specific people (by email address)
No guests sharing (people who don’t have an account)
Team sharing (automatic sharing with specific people)
Sharing by link
Public sharing on the web
No Embedded link (it was on the old interface)
No Sharing on social media (it was on the old interface)
Option to set rights to collaborators (can view, can edit the diagram)
No option to view and copy the diagram (without editing)
Password protected diagrams Yes No
Real-time collaboration Yes


No Chat (it was on the old interface)
No Votes (they were on the old interface)
Team administration Yes
Group sharing
Group sharing

Both are real-time collaborative mind mapping tools. In this aspect, the differences are smaller: Mindomo offers more privacy with the password-protected diagrams and gives more freedom with guest sharing.

Mindomo has a subscription that allows you to share your diagrams with people, giving them premium rights regardless of whether they are free or even unregistered Mindomo users.

On MindMeister, you can share the diagrams with people who don’t have an account on their platform, but they can not edit them without an account. The votes and chat options are missing on the new interface of MindMeister.

Collaboration is an essential aspect whether you’re using the tool for work or business. The benefits of collaborative learning are substantial, not to mention its importance in business.

3. Task Management Functionalities

  Mindomo MindMeister
Tasks Assignable tasks (to users)
Assignable tasks (to ghost users)
Due dates (start date and end date)
Recurring tasks
Completion level
Closed tasks list
No tasks (only with separate app)
Tasks notifications/ Reminders Email notifications No
iCal task feed Automatically sync your tasks with your calendar Only iCalendar integration
Team Administration panel Yes Yes

When it comes to task features inside mind maps, the difference between Mindomo and MindMeister is huge. MindMeister has no task features. They have a different app called MeisterTask that can be connected with MindMeister for those who are interested in project management or who work with team members.

The disadvantage is that if you choose MindMeister you will need 2 tools, while on Mindomo you can do it with only one. With Mindomo you can easily create and share task lists, projects, and business diagrams with your team and help you be organized and productive.

4. Education Features

  Mindomo MindMeister
Organization Create classes
Create schools
No classes
No schools
Assignments Blank mind map assignments
Template assignments
Team or individual assignments
Progress status
Playback mode

Multiple sharing options:

By email
Create accounts without email
Share with students from class/school
Share with Google Classroom predefined classes
By access codes
No blank mind map assignments
No template assignments
No team or individual assignments
No deadline
No attachments
No progress status
No playback mode

No sharing options
Grading Private grades for assignments
Feedback with attachments
Grades overview
Grading report can be downloaded
No private grades for assignments
No feedback with attachments
No grades overview
No grading report can be downloaded)

Mindomo is a versatile mind mapping software, you can use it as a stand-alone tool for education, business, and personal use. You have everything in one tool.

On the other hand, MindMeister has the same purpose but hasn’t dedicated features for education, or business (only a different tool dedicated for business).

Mindomo offers assignment templates, grading options, and education integrations (see the integrations section) to facilitate education, the interaction between students, and teacher-student interaction. It’s suitable for classes, and homeschool as well.

5. Types of Diagrams

  Mindomo MindMeister
Diagrams Mind map
Gantt chart
Concept map
Organigram (Up to Down or Down to Up)
Tree Organigram (Left or Right)
Timeline (vertical)
Logic chart (Left or Right)
Fishbone (Left or Right)
Mind map
Concept map
No Gantt chart
No Tree Organigram
No Timeline
No Logic chart
No Fishbone (Left or Right)

Mindomo allows you to create extra diagrams that can not be created with MindMeister: Gantt charts, tree org charts, timelines, logic charts, and fishbone diagrams.

6. Available Platforms

  Mindomo MindMeister
Platforms Web app (Online)
Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux)with online-offline syncing
Mobile (Android, iOS)
Web app (Online)
No Desktop
Mobile (Android, iOS)

When it comes to PCs or Laptops, MindMeister can be used only as an online mind map tool. It doesn’t have a Desktop app and it can not be used without an internet connection.

On the other hand, Mindomo has these features which are very important for people who are traveling or working from places where they don’t always have a good internet connection. Mindomo has two mind map apps for both iOS and Android.

With one click, all the changes are synced.

7. Integrations

  Mindomo MindMeister
Integrations for educational institutions Canvas
Google Classroom
No Canvas
No Itslearning
No Brightspace
No Schoology
No Moodle
No Blackboard
No Google Classroom
Business & Personal integrations Google Drive
G Suite
Office 365
Microsoft Teams
Embedded media
Google Workspace
Microsoft Teams
Other Meister tools (MeisterTask, MeisterNote)
Embedded media
No Dropbox
No OneDrive
No Office 365

Both platforms have business and personal integrations, but MindMeister has no educational dedicated integrations, which makes Mindomo a better option.

8. Other Features

  Mindomo MindMeister
Secure backup and export data Dropbox
Google Drive
Bulk download as a ZIP file
No Dropbox
No Google Drive
No OneDrive
Bulk download as a ZIP file
Two factor authentication Yes Yes
Extensions Mindomo Bookmarks MindMeister Quick Access
E-mail support Yes Yes
Chat support Yes No
Phone (support) Yes Yes
Forum (support) Yes No
Help page (support) Yes Yes
FAQ (support) Yes Yes
Video tutorials Yes Yes

Both mind mapping software offers support, an extension available, and backup options. Mindomo offers an extra option to backup your diagrams on your favorite cloud storage service provider (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive), while this option is not available on MindMeister.

9. Accounts and Plans

  Mindomo MindMeister
Account types & Prices 🏷️ Free - free (always)
🏷️ Basic/Student - €3/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Teacher- €4.5/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Classroom & School - €9/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Premium - €5.5/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Professional - €13.5/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Team - €16.5/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Basic - free (always)
🏷️ Personal - €4.99/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Pro - €8.25/month (paid annually)
🏷️ Business - €12.49/month (paid annually)

These two tools have a completely free account (not a free trial). The difference between a free account and a free trial is that the first can be used forever, while the second has a time limit.

Mindomo supports education, and it has dedicated account types for students and teachers (with dedicated features and templates available) at a lower price.

The prices for the other categories are different and the Mindomo price may seem bigger. However, the quality-price ratio is clearly better at Mindomo, offering many more features and advantages (you can find them in the tables above).

Which One is Better?

Both Mindomo and MindMeister are great and they offer an amazing mind mapping experience. They are both easy-to-use, intuitive and they are the first mapping tools ever.

However, if you want the best one, the choice is obvious, and you should take into consideration facts.

MindMeister has undoubtedly fewer features, and it’s not as versatile as Mindomo. It has no dedicated educational features, and no task management features (not as a stand-alone tool – for these, you need another app). You can use it for project planning, but only it is limited, you can’t have tasks, can’t track your progress, or use a Gantt chart (for complex projects). MindMeister can only be used as an online mind map tool while Mindomo has options for offline editing as well.

If you are looking for a versatile tool, with many features, easy to use, and many editing features, Mindomo is what you are looking for. Sign up now on Mindomo and start mind mapping!

Compare more mind mapping tools to find the best one for your: alternatives to Xmind, alternatives to MindManager.

Daily Dashboard

Daily Dashboard mind map template

Weekly Planner

3 Weekly planner mind map template