Concept map template

Concept Mapping

Concept map template: visualize & structure ideas

Choose a concept map template and customize it with your ideas. You can create collaborative concept maps easily and fast using Mindomo. Using concept map templates it’s a great way to organize and simplify complex ideas, establish relations between concepts, and discover new connections by overviewing them.

TOP 6 concept map templates

Here are the most used concept map templates you can view, copy and edit, adding your own information. Click on the green button below each template to open it, and then click on the three lines button from the top left side of the screen (File list menu). There you have the option called “Copy and edit”.

1. Risk management concept map

This is an excellent example of a business concept map, where some specific terms or procedures need to be explained to other employees. This diagram simply explains what risk management is, what it does, who and when it should, what tools are used, etc. The layout allows anyone to understand the concept easily. Different shapes and colors distinguish the elements.

2. Concept map for kids

Explaining complex ideas to kids may be difficult, but it is very easy to understand an idea with a template like this one. When you present the information visually, it will be memorized faster, and kids will love how engaging and intuitive it is. Add icons, images, and videos, and use vivid colors and interesting shapes to make it even more exciting.

3. Math divisions

Not only small kids can benefit from concept mapping, but students from high school and university can successfully use it to study. It is a great way to comprehend knowledge when you see complex ideas connected by arrows and linked by words to demonstrate how they are related. Teachers can structure courses using concept mapping, create interactive assignments, and even grade their students using Mindomo.

4. Types of coffee

Unleash your creativity and use a concept map sample to create amazing posts for social media or to show your clients your products. Use this kind of template to show what types of coffee, for example, you’re serving in your restaurant.

5. Fishbone diagram

A fishbone diagram is another creative way of representing information. Use this visual representation to illustrate any cause-and-effect situation. Create it from scratch or use one of the fishbone diagram templates available.

6. Enzymes concept map

Prepare for exams smarter by making diagrams with the knowledge. You’ll notice that not only that you’ll comprehend the information, but you will memorize it more effectively. With Mindomo, you can share your diagrams with classmates and learn together.

View all Mindomo Templates and pick your favorite ones, customize them, share them with collaborators, and export them.

Mindomo Templates: Create collaborative concept maps easily and fast

Mindomo is a very user-friendly diagram tool that offers you concept map examples and templates. You can edit and customize them exactly how you prefer. However, you also have the option to create your concept maps from scratch.

Customize your concept map starting from an editable online template. Generate new ideas by yourself or collaborate in real time with your team members using the web based version of Mindomo.

It’s a perfect way to work together for assignments, project management, brainstorming sessions, research, etc.

You can easily add or remove topics, link them connecting the lines and add relations. Additionally, you can add cross connections between topics. You are able to add links and multimedia files to your maps (images, video, and audio files).

Moreover, you can convert with one click your concept map into a mind map, Gantt chart, or an outline. Mindomo is more than a regular concept map maker.

In addition, you can create all those diagrams. For example, create a mind map from a central idea. Share your mind map with your friends or colleagues who can contribute with new ideas. When you gather a lot of information, you can turn it into a concept map.

If you need a project management tool, turn it into a Gantt chart. Mindomo offers you all the flexibility you need.

Start your concept map journey today! Create your own concept map.

Mindomo: How to use a concept map template

Mindomo is a very easy-to-use concept map maker. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Once you’ve logged into your account, click on the green button that indicates “View Concept Map Template”. You can find it under each template above. After that, the editable template opens in a new tab. Click on the file list menu from the top-left corner and click on “Copy and edit map”.

Division of Mathematics Mind Map

Step 2: Now you can customize it however you want. You can complete the information, replace, delete or add more topics.

Step 3: Personalize the concept map. On the context menu (the white triangle from the top-right corner of each topic), you have a menu that has many options. You can add:

  • Images
  • Icons
  • Video files
  • Audio files
  • Notes
  • Comments
  • Links
  • Tasks
  • Relationships between existing concepts
Context menu Mindomo

Step 4: If you want to change the colors, font, and sizes you can do that from the context menu too.

Step 5: Drag and drop the topics to reorganize them. Arrange them as you prefer.

Find out more about how to use Mindomo and how to create concept maps by visiting the help page or watching this tutorial:

It’s that easy to create the concept maps that you dreamed of, starting from templates. Create an account on Mindomo and get the most out of the software!

Concept map vs Mind map

Let’s start with what is a concept map. Concept mapping is a technique used for organizing and structuring knowledge into a visual representation. So far, it sounds like a mind map.

Many people make confusion when it comes to these two terms. The truth is that they resemble each other. The starting point is the same: a central idea. The major difference between concept maps and mind maps is that concept maps highlight the relations between ideas. The concepts are connected between them.

Moreover, a concept map has a more flexible layout compared to the rigid structure of a mind map. The topics and subtopics can even overlay on a concept map, which makes it more suitable to represent complex ideas or complex concepts.

Concept map vs Mind Map

When to use a concept map?

This technique is versatile and can be used in many ways. Concept mapping is perfect for education, work, and personal development, helping you visualize, organize, and connect ideas, thereby enhancing understanding and productivity across various aspects of life.

Concept mapping for education

Concept maps can be a great discovery and learning tool. For instance, they can be perfect for a brainstorming session. When you begin to brainstorm you can be confused and don’t know how to begin. You can also find it challenging to make sense of all the ideas that came out.

Creating a concept map helps you to do it right. Connect the lines of thinking and discover relationships between your thoughts. This way new ideas can be born.

Thanks to the flexible structure of a mapping template, you can take notes when you attend classes. Moreover, you can study using a concept map because this structure is very easy to read and understand. Structure your chemistry, physics, biology, anatomy, math, literature, etc. courses and you will remember everything easier. You can use this diagram for anything, for example, start with a nursing concept map template and just fill it with information. You can easily study nursing and also use it as a guide. You can use words or phrases or even images, videos, and audio files.

Concept mapping is great even for little kids, not only for students or learners from school or high school. There are also many mind maps for kids that help them understand and learn easily.

Kids can learn animals, colors, foods, plants, etc. easily and fast by using diagrams. Simple concept maps with images and arrows that connect them are very easy to understand.

In this case, creating a concept map for kids would be even better than a mind map. The last one can be dependent upon the ability of the creator. Everyone can see the topics and subtopics and the way they are arranged.

However, a concept map also gives a context to the reader, making the relationships between concepts much more explicit.

Concept mapping for business

Similarly to mind maps, concept maps can be very useful in any business process. This approach is business-friendly: highly communicative and collaborative, flexible and intuitive. Moreover, the concept map is an easy to use diagram. Compared to mind mapping, concept mapping helps you gather more information.

You can use them to structure all kinds of information needed for work. With concept mapping you can structure business plans, make analysis, plan business meetings, find new ideas, manage processes and more!

You can even create to-do lists or a concept map that keeps resources in one place, like a storage. Not to mention that it’s a great tool for project management which endorses collaboration with team members. Therefore, it’s also a great way to manage remote teams.

Add links or multimedia files there (images, video and audio files). You can use a mapping template for each or you can start creating from scratch.

Concept mapping for personal life

Concept mapping is a handy diagram tool for personal development, personal time management, or even when you want to put your life together. There is a large variety of purposes that serve your personal needs where creating a concept map really helps.

Have you ever thought about creating a vision board? Or simply set some personal goals? Or maybe you would like to use it to learn more about a domain that you are passionate about. There’s no better way than writing them and visualizing them. Use pictures. Don’t forget to add a picture to the central idea as well. It will stimulate your imagination and it will help you find new connections between your thoughts or ideas. The best part is that Mindomo offers free templates for all these and more.

Make to-do lists and start prioritizing the most important things for you. When you don’t have inspiration just use a mapping template and this exercise will be like a brainstorming. You can be surprised by the ideas that will cross your mind.

Advantages of concept mapping

Flexibility: Concept mapping offers you more flexibility compared to mind mapping. With Mindomo you can move the topics anywhere on the map canvas (even if they are overlaid). Mind maps have a rigid structure that doesn’t allow you to do so.

Relations between topics: A big advantage of concept mapping that makes it a unique process is its prepositional structure. In other words, when you add topics (ideas) you associate them by connecting lines between them. These connector lines represent the relations between concepts. The lines can contain one or more words with the purpose of adding context to the concept map. This feature makes the map self-explanatory. Consequently, it enhances shared comprehension and understanding.

Easy to use: You can use a concept map very easily, especially with Mindomo. You add the main concept, you link it with the connected ideas adding the relationships between concepts. You can edit it with one click. You are able to move all the topics by dragging and dropping and positioning them as you like. You can change the font, colors, and sizes in one second. With Mindomo you can even add multimedia files and customize it however you prefer. More than that, you can even use a mapping template that guides you and explains to you step by step what to do. It is easily created and afterward, you can reorganize it with a simple drag and drop.

Structure and organize knowledge: Using a concept map is one of the easiest ways to organize knowledge. In addition, it makes it more understandable and easy to learn. The best part is that you can structure it exactly how you like.

Collaborative: “Two heads are better than one” – more great ideas can appear when more people are contributing to a brainstorming, for instance. Try to create a concept map with a team and Mindomo offers you the feature to edit it in real time! This way you can get the most out of your concept mapping experience! Find all the templates online and edit them with your team members or friends.